Wednesday, March 24, 2010


I've been asked by numerous reviewers what was the catalyst behind writing The Unaccompanied Soul.  Here's the thing, there are SO many abused children, women, even men in this world who are affected excessively throughout the rest of their lives by someone's malicious cruelty, but though it may hinder them from doing things or reacting in ways that come easily to you and I, it doesn't mean they can't function, doesn't mean they can't find themselves; especially with the help of someone who cares enough to be their light through the dark. I don't tread on this subject lightly, I'd be a fool to do so, and no matter how much it hurts our hearts to read about abuse, it's something very real and something we should be more educated about. Abuse, whether it's physical, mental, or sexual can break a person, but it doesn't mean that break has to be soul-deep. I guess I'm optimistic in believing there are no souls that aren't savable, they're merely lost and need direction. It's amazing the results you find through love, compassion and patience. Just remember, when you walk down the street or pass by in your car, and you see this strange person who talks to themselves, seems afraid of their surroundings, and you think they're completely mental, what you may not realize is THEY are Abandonward. Keep that in mind.


  1. Bb, I love you. It's a beautiful explanation for TUS and I'm proud of you for doing this. x

  2. What Sophz said! Very good reason for writing such an amazing story hon...though what you said at the bottom will resort in me hugging random people on the streets now...

    But that was a beautiful speech/explination. Its all very true, sad, but true. Fantastic job bb!

    -Emma =3

  3. I know this for a fact, because growing up and still today she is an alcholic and blamed me for everything. So I was emotionally, mentally and physically abused by her. The good and lucky thing is I found someone that saved me from this life and is my best friend and husband. I was very lucky that I found him because I could have been in such a worse situation. Thank you for writing this story.

  4. What BEC said. I am now going to want to pick up every lost looking soul I see and take them home. Thank you for the lovely explantation.
