Monday, March 29, 2010


I just received an email stating TUS was nominated in three categories on The Total Eclipse of the Heart Awards. To those that voted, thank you SO much! Nominations are still open so be sure to vote your faves!

Categories I'm nominated in are:

-The Detective of Forks Award - Story With The Best Mystery
-The Shattering Of The Heart Award - Story That Breaks Your Heart
-The Dazzling Protecter Award - Best Use Of Edward In A Story


  1. Oh, congratulations! My Partner must have PM'ed you. I read your story and it's brilliant!I certainly hope to see you in Round 2 of the Nominations! Good luck!
    MissEsme (Admin of the site)
    P.S It must be said, thank you for telling the world about us! We have just started out so any publicity, even just alerting your readers that you have been nominated is great! Again, good luck!

  2. Yay! Congrats!
    This is Lala, the other admin of the site! You would not believe how many nominations this story is getting!
    Your story! I have a feeling it's going to get far, and with that said, good luck! I really hope to see you in Round 2!

    ~Lala (Admin of the site)
